Three Princesses

Learning and using OmegaT translation software lately, and I thought I might start sharing some of my sample Chinese to English pieces. This is the first one. It’s quite simple, but I like the story a lot. I also have other pieces dealing with genomic science and Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM) coming up soon.

Three Princesses


Original Version

这个故事会叫多少男人惭愧?多少女人掉眼泪? 在很久很久以前,有一个国王。他把他的国家治理的非常好,国家不大,但百姓们丰衣足食,安居乐业,十分幸福。国王有三位美丽可爱的小公主,三位小公主们从生下来就具有一种神奇的魔力,当她们哭泣的时候,落下的眼泪会化作一颗颗晶莹剔透的钻石,价值连城。有一天,国王发觉自己年事已高,自己的国家还没有人可以托付,公主们也没人照顾。于是昭告天下:“众所周知,我有三位的公主,她们每个人都拥有举世无双的美貌,而且她们的眼泪可以化作昂贵的钻石,一个月后,我将为她们召集所有的优秀的男人,让她们挑选自己心仪的丈夫. 被选中的人将有机会继承我的国家和财富!”一个月后,国王的城堡里挤满了来自世界各地的王子,骑士和富豪之子。一个个都是英俊潇洒,器宇不凡。他们自信满满的围在王宫里,等待着公主们的到来。正午的时候,国王带着他的三位公主们来到宫殿。为了表示对远道而来的客人的欢迎,大公主在现场为众人唱了一首歌,嗓音清澈,犹如天籁;二公主在现场为众人跳了一支舞,步伐轻盈,身段美妙。而最年幼的小公主,对着众人浅浅的一笑,就躲在国王的身后再也不肯出来。国王尴尬的解释道,请大家不要介意,小公主自从生下来后就没有说过话,而且很怕生人。为了博取公主们的亲睐,大家纷纷展示了自己的长处,有的当场写诗 作画送给大公主,有的为二公主表演剑法和马术,有的拿出世间少有的奇珍异宝献给小公主。大公主和二公主都很开心,也渐渐有了自己的决定,只有小公主静静的依然躲在国王的身后。大公主最后选择了一个王子,那个英俊的王子对她许诺说,会为她征服全世界,在每座城堡上刻下她的名字;二公主最后选择了富豪之子,那个聪明的男孩对她保证说,他会赚很多钱,为她建立一座世界上最华丽的宫殿,里面摆满美丽的奇珍异宝;小公主平静的看着那些人,摇了摇头。正在国王准备宣布结果时,从人群中走出一个年轻的牧羊人,他径直走到小公主跟前,在她耳边说了一句话。小公主忽然笑的很灿烂,她毫不犹豫的挽住了牧羊人的手。就这样,三个公主都有了自己的伴侣。五年过去了。。。大公主的丈夫用眼泪变成的钻石招兵买马,四处征战,百战百胜,每一座被他征服的城堡上,真的全都刻上了大公主的名字。大公主的名字,变得家喻户晓。她觉得自己很幸福。二公主的丈夫用眼泪变成的钻石作为成本,生意越做越大,当然,生意做得很大之后,也就不需要钻石了。他不愧是商人之子,简直是天生的商人,很快,就积累了海量的财富,虽然还没有建造出世界上最最豪华的宫殿,但是二公主也已经很心满意足了。她觉得自己很幸福。小公主自从那天跟着牧羊人离开国王的城堡,就开始周游世界。后来他们找到一个山清水秀的世外桃源,就定居了下来。牧羊人花了半个月的时间,用木头和稻草搭建了一个大房子,又做了很多家具。他们在房子的后面种了很多蔬菜,在菜地的周围,亲手做了一排栅栏。小公主把她见到的好看的花,都移植到了自己的小花园里,虽然不知道这些小野花叫什么名字,可每天看到它们就会很开心。傍晚的时候,他们会坐在湖边钓鱼,或者数星星。他们一直很穷,但是他们生活的非常开心。小公主渐渐地开始开口说话,她只对牧羊人一个人说,什么都说,天上的云彩啊,河里的鱼啊,树上的鸟窝啊,头上的蝴蝶啊一天到晚叽叽喳喳说个不停。牧羊人常常坐在湖边,安静的听她讲故事,一直到小公主讲着讲着,累得睡着了,把她抱回房间。国王病危,他派人找回了三个公主和她们的丈夫。他很惊讶的发现,小公主夫妇穿着干净整齐却打满补丁的衣服,他好奇他们为什么这么贫穷。要知道,小公主随便一滴眼泪就足够买一家衣服店。牧羊人说,因为我从来不让她哭泣。国王立刻决定,把王位传给牧羊人。也许每个人对于幸福都有自己的理解,答案从来都不是唯一的。但是只有牧羊人懂得什么是珍惜。国王问小公主,当年牧羊人跟你说了什么话?小公主说:“他在我耳边说,即使你的眼泪可以化作最昂贵的钻石,我宁愿贫困潦倒一生,也不许你哭。” 最珍贵的眼泪,不是能化作钻石的眼泪,而是不会落下的眼泪,因为珍惜你的人,不会让你哭。 请用你金贵的手复制下,你爱的人走运幸福一辈子。爱我的人,和我爱的人都会幸福一辈子

Translated version
A long time ago, there was an Emperor who ruled his kingdom well. Although his
kingdom was not so large, his subjects were well-fed, elegantly dressed, and everyone
led happy lives. The Emperor had three lovely princesses. Each princess was empowered with a
special form of magic. When they cried, their tears would shed as usual, but would be
magically transformed into priceless, sparkling, dolphin-shaped diamonds.

One day, the aging king, came to realize that he had not yet found anyone to take care of his beloved princesses and eventually become the heirs of his kingdom. He considered his situation carefully, and decided to call together a meeting at the Palace grounds near the Temple. This was what he had to say.

“As everyone knows, I have three princesses. Each with unparalleled beauty, and each
having a special form of magic, where they can turn their tears into exquisite and expensive diamonds. A month later, I will gather all good men from the nearby kingdoms to my Palace, and let each princess choose the one their future prince! The chosen princes will have then be given the opportunity to inherit my fortune and kingdom!”

A month later, the Emperor gathered princes, sons of knights, and sons of wealthy families from all parts of the world. Some were handsome, and some were very elegant, but each and everyone of them, gave off a unique and special presence and aura within the walls of the Palace.

They gathered and filled the Imperial Palace, awaiting the arrival of the kings daughters. The Emperor arrived at noon, followed by the three princesses. He had prepared a elaborate welcoming ceremony which included song and dance, performed by the local subjects. The voice of the singers produced pure and lovely sounds that inspired the image of butterflies and gentle river streams. The youngest princess, although pleased and smiling but also excited about the presence of such a large group of people, hid coyly behind the Emperor. The Emperor felt awkward about explaining the youngest princess’ behavior, but explained to the esteemed guests that they should not be bothered by her shyness.

In order to win the favor of the princesses, the relatives of the princes had brought and offered gifts that revealed their region’s uniqueness. The eldest princess was offered paintings and presented with poetry recitals, written on the spot, using beautiful calligraphy. These were offered to the eldest princess. To add to the excitement, the
second princess was presented with a fencing duel demonstration, along with a performance that showcased equestrian skills. The youngest of the princesses was offered unique and rare gifts that came from far, far away. Both the eldest and second princess were very happy and impressed by the performances. They gradually decided on their future prince. The youngest princess, however, remained calmly hidden behind her father’s protection.

The eldest princess finally made a decision and chose her prince. This handsome prince openly made the promise that he would conquer and engrave her name on the Palaces of every kingdom. The second princess chose a rich and powerful prince. This prince, being extremely clever at business, guaranteed her to build a fortune that would
allow him to build a gorgeous and elaborate Palace. The inside would be adorned with rare and beautiful decorative art. The youngest princess remained tranquil in the backdrop, while shaking her head in disapproval.

While the Emperor was preparing to give a formal declaration on the outcome of this great event, a young shepherd among the crowd, moved around the crowd and headed towards the youngest princess. He had something to tell her. As he discretely whispered something in her ear, she burst out with sweet laughter, and without
hesitation, took his hand.

So it is in this manner that the three princesses had been matched. The eldest princess shed tears to help enrich her prince. This helped him gather troops and then campaign a fight and take hold of other Palaces. He maintained his promise
and really did carve her name into each castle wall that he took possession of. It is in this manner that the eldest princess’ name became well known to everyone in all parts of the world. The second princess’ prince used the diamonds that she produced to create more business and more wealth. She had shed so many tears, that in the end no diamonds were need to produce wealth. Her prince really proved to everyone that he had a talent for doing business. He used the wealth produced from selling the diamonds that she had shed, and with them generated more wealth. With the large sums of wealth accumulated, he built the most luxurious palace ever. She felt that she
was very fortunate and lucky.

The youngest of the princesses left the Emperor’s Palace and traveled the world over. The shepherd and her, settled down in an idyllic area, surrounded by lush green hills, beautiful flowers, and flowing, clear-water rivers. The shepherd spent an arduous month wilting wood and using rice straw to build a large house. He also built many pieces of
furniture. With their own hands, they then planted many kinds of vegetables and built a fence that surrounded their field. The youngest princess would visit the surrounding hills and pick what she considered to be the most beautiful flowers. She would then plant them in the garden near their house. Although she did not quite know the names
of each and every flower, she was very happy. As the night would approach, they would either go fishing at the lake nearby or sit on a hilltop, counting and gazing at the stars. They were not that rich, they were very happy and satisfied. Although she had been quiet and reserved, when around her sisters, her life with the shepherd gave her happiness and she would go on incessantly, talking about everything she saw from the special sparkle of a star, the grace and beauty of the butterfly, the number of morning dew drops on her flowers, the special feeling when dusk came by. She just talked and talked with clever and cute remarks on all she felt and saw. The shepherd, sitting by the lake fishing, would listen intently to the little princess’ stories. She would tell her stories and talk until she would fall asleep. The shepherd would then carry her back home and gently lay her down on their bed. The Emperor eventually became sick and called back the three princesses, along with their husbands. The Emperor was surprised to see that the little princess’ husband, although cleanly dressed, but with clothing that had been mended and patched, had not provided her with wealth and riches like the other two princesses.

The Emperor addressing the little princess, had wanted to know why she had not used her magic to shed at least one tear and produce a diamond that would provide, both her and the shepherd, with enough wealth to at least do business with textiles and perhaps open a shop. The shepherd responded that he had no purpose or intention to ever
make her cry. The Emperor immediately proposed to offer his title as the Emperor to the shepherd.

Although everyone has their own idea of what it means to be blessed and happy, it is generally accepted that there is no one simple universal way to attain this happiness. The shepherd was the only one who understood what it meant to cherish and value his loved one. The most precious tears are not the ones that can be transformed into diamonds, but rather the tears held back. The ones that do not drop and fall to the ground, are the result of a person who truly cherishes you and does not want to make you cry.

Please use your best handwriting to write down the name of the person whom you cherish the most, and have a happy life of eternal bliss together. The person who loves you and the person you love, will be happy forever!

4 thoughts on “Three Princesses

  1. 乌拉圭球迷带着苏亚雷斯的假面为球队加油腾讯体育6月29日讯 由于之前的咬人事件,苏亚雷斯在得到国际足联的禁赛处罚后,立即返回了乌国内,但在今天对阵哥伦比亚的马拉卡纳球场,苏神却未曾离开。根据哥伦比亚《足球网》和乌拉圭《足球报》的最新消息,乌拉圭国家队照旧在更衣室准备了苏亚雷斯的装备,这也引来了卡瓦尼等球员的合影追捧。此外,来到现场的乌拉圭球迷也纷纷带上苏神的面具,来力挺自己的球队。就在乌拉圭国家队尚未抵达马拉卡纳球场之际,哥伦比亚《足球网》的一组照片就在赛前引起了全球的热议,这组照片恰恰哥伦比亚《足球网》现场记者何塞-奥尔南多拍自乌拉圭更衣室,而内容恰恰是苏亚雷斯的装备依旧出现在了乌拉圭更衣室内。从图片中可以看出,乌拉圭足协工作人员对于苏亚雷斯装备的准备一如既往,并没有因为苏神禁赛缺阵而有任何的减少,这也使得卡瓦尼等乌拉圭球员到达更衣室后十分感动。卡瓦尼甚至拿下了苏亚雷斯的球衣与其他球友一起拍照留念,并附上 和我们一起战斗 的文字发到了自己的推特上,而这也立即引来了乌拉圭《足球报》的转载。相比于乌拉圭更衣室内空前团结的气氛,抵达马拉卡纳的乌拉圭球迷也不甘落后,他们纷纷带上了苏神面具为自己的球队助威。相比于满城尽带黄金甲,满马拉卡纳球场的乌拉圭球迷都把苏亚雷斯的面具带到了现场,而面具则帮助苏亚雷斯成了乌拉圭国家队在马拉卡纳球场真正的第12人。对于队友和球迷的思念,已经在接到禁赛通知就返回乌拉圭国内的苏亚雷斯也在赛前抱着自己的儿女来到自家别墅的露台,他身着自己的9号战袍向等候在其别墅外的记者致敬,并希望他们能回到电视机前为乌拉圭国家队加油。此后,苏亚雷斯还在自家阳台上悬挂了自己专门为本场比赛准备的条幅,激励国家队队友奋勇一搏。(汇丹)


  2. J罗和他的妻子新浪体育讯 Soy un rom ntico ,如果你是一个女球迷,当你看到一位帅气的球星说出这句话的时候,你是无法抗拒成为他的粉丝的。这句话的意思是 我是一个浪漫的人 ,是世界杯上状态最火热的哥伦比亚球星詹姆斯-罗德里格斯说的话。我的太太就是这样一名女球迷,她已经被J罗给迷住了。她总是希望我踢球好、长得帅、有钱、居家、浪漫、会跳舞、唱歌棒、爱陪她逛街、爱逗她开心 可惜我只能做到其中几点,所以我只是她的先生,而不能成为她的男神。而J罗,却是一个完美的男神。阳光小帅哥詹姆斯-罗德里格斯已经在2014巴西世界杯上取得5粒进球,2次助攻,带领哥伦比亚取得四连胜,打进八强。可以说他是这届世界杯上迄今为止表现最好的球员。他身穿10号,踢前腰位置,进球数又超越梅西、内马尔、穆勒,成为射手榜第一的球员。踢球好,是成为世界杯男神的基本条件,他在这项打分中可以得到满分。如果说很多女球迷看到法国格里兹曼时为之倾倒,那看到J罗也至少要感叹, 哇,好帅啊 。J罗1991年7月12日出生,不到23岁,年轻又帅气。他有着干净的外表,俊朗的面孔。他还跳舞,跳的还那么好!每一次进球,J罗都要拉着队友们一起扭动臀部,跳起舞蹈,他已经5次在世界杯赛场上这么做了。翻阅2009年他接受阿根廷《奥莱报》的一个采访,J罗说: 我不知道我是不是一个出色的舞者,但他们都说我跳的不错。 爱跳舞的J罗 是的,我热爱音乐。我更喜欢reggaeton(一种结合说唱音乐和加勒比风格旋律的音乐形式),Daddy Yankee是我最喜欢的歌手。 J罗说到。《奥莱报》的记者在专访中提到,J罗是个害羞的人,随着采访深入他才逐渐放开。那个时候J罗还在阿根廷班菲尔德效力,只有18岁,他说: 我不怎么外出,我喜欢和我的家人以及我的女朋友呆在一起。她是哥伦比亚人,经常来看我。一开始她不知道我是球员。 J罗当时说的女友,应该就是现在他的妻子达尼埃拉-奥斯皮纳。因为2013年达尼埃拉-奥斯皮纳接受哥伦比亚媒体的一篇采访报道中提到,他们5年前相遇。达尼埃拉-奥斯皮纳是现在哥伦比亚队门将奥斯皮纳的妹妹,但并不是因为他哥哥而认识的。两人经过朋友介绍认识,一见钟情。达尼埃拉说: 我妈妈跟我说,不想再在生活中见到足球运动员了,但命运刚好相反。 J罗和达尼埃拉下面这段阿根廷记者和J罗的对话,可以看出,J罗是如何俘获达尼埃拉的芳心的。 我们面前的是一个浪漫的人? 是的,我是一个浪漫的人 那你的女朋友喜欢很多礼物,你会给她 我不能说的很细,但我会让我的爱人尽可能的愉快。 那购物呢? 是的。我经常去购物,但我不喜欢浪费钱。 命运让他们走在一起,并且有了圆满结局。2011年,19岁的J罗和奥斯皮纳结婚,2013年两人的女儿出生。名草已有主,但不妨碍他成为新的世界杯男神。(周博)
